Atom ( is “a hackable text editor for the 21st Century” 你好啊
Why use a third party Source Code Editor
Using proxy inside Atom, such as Goagent: apm config set https-proxy=
apm config set strict-ssl false
Change Atom’s token limit for syntax highlighting: apm install grammar-token-limit
Minimap: apm install minimap
View pdf in Atom: apm install pdf-view
Open file using external program: apm install open-unsupported-files
Text-clicking: apm install hyperclick
Terminal: apm install open-conemu-here
Font spec: apm install fonts
, then choose font in settings
Enhanced column selection: apm install column-select
Auto-encoding: apm install auto-encoding
, and in the package setting disallow windows 1252
, useful when deal with both Stata 14 and older versions
Run program using any Jupyter kernels inside Atom: apm install hydrogen
, need Jupyter installed
Run program from Atom: apm install script
Show file-icon associated with file extension: apm install file-icons
Linter package for Atom: apm install linter
apm install language-stata
, with autocomplete inside, if want more key words, just add words in the grammar fileStataMP-64.exe /Register
pip install git+
python -m stata_kernel.install
In file /.atom/packages/script/lib/, replace the Stata section as
"Selection Based":
command: "D:\\Program File\\AutoitPlug\\Atom\\Stata14\\rundo.exe"
args: (context) ->
code = context.getCode()
tmpFile = GrammarUtils.Stata.createTempFileWithCode(code)
"File Based":
command: "D:\\Program File\\AutoitPlug\\Atom\\Stata14\\rundo.exe"
args: (context) -> [context.filepath]
In file /.atom/packages/script/lib/grammar-utils.js, add this:
Create a file named Stata.js
in /.atom/packages/script/lib/grammar-utils with content:
'use babel';
// Public: GrammarUtils.Stata - a module which assist the creation of Stata temporary files
export default {
// Public: Create a temporary file with the provided Stata code
// * `code` A {String} containing some Stata code
// Returns the {String} filepath of the new file
createTempFileWithCode(code) {
code1 = code + '\n'
return module.parent.exports.createTempFileWithCode(code1,'.do');
The AutoIt program and the associated ini file can be download from, make sure change the path of Stata program and Title of Stata window in the ini file, and also the AutoIt program path in script’s
apm install autocomplete-python
In file /.atom/packages/script/lib/, replace the Python section as
"Selection Based":
command: "D:\\Program File\\AutoitPlug\\Atom\\IPython\\ipythonrun.exe"
args: (context) ->
dirname = GrammarUtils.Python.projectDir(context.filepath)
code = context.getCode()
tmpFile = GrammarUtils.Python.createTempFileWithCode(code)
[dirname, tmpFile]
"File Based":
command: "D:\\Program File\\AutoitPlug\\Atom\\IPython\\ipythonrun.exe"
args: (context) ->
dirname = GrammarUtils.Python.projectDir(context.filepath)
[dirname, context.filepath]
In file /.atom/packages/script/lib/grammar-utils.js, add this:
In /.atom/packages/script/lib/grammar-utils, create a file named Python.js with content:
'use babel';
import path from 'path';
// Public: GrammarUtils.Python - a module which assist the creation of Python temporary files
export default {
// Public: Create a temporary file with the provided Python code
// * `code` A {String} containing some Python code
// Returns the {String} filepath of the new file
createTempFileWithCode(code) {
code1 = '# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-\n' + code
return module.parent.exports.createTempFileWithCode(code1,'.py');
// Public: Get path of editorfile
// * `editorfile` {Object} containing current file
// Returns {String} containing the file path
projectDir(editorfile) {
return path.dirname(editorfile);
apm install linter-pep8
, should install pep8 within Python, pip install pep8
(note that there are various coding styles for Python)apm install language-fortran
, apm install language-openmp
apm install autocomplete-fortran
apm install linter-gfortran
apm install language-r
apm install autocomplete-r
install.packages(c('pbdZMQ', 'repr', 'devtools', 'stringr'))
apm install linter-lintr
, should install lintr within R, install.packages("lintr")
apm install language-latex
apm install latextools
, with various autocomplete inside, note that latextools is build on the clever latexmk command, you can also use makefile to compile latex codesSumatraPDF.exe -inverse-search "/"/AppData/Local/atom/bin/atom.cmd/" /"%f:%l/""
apm install sumatra-forwardsearch
, does not working nowapm install latex-friend
apm install linter-chktex
apm install language-pfm
, and disable the built-in language-gfm
,apm install markdown-writer
apm install markdown-preview-plus
, disable the built-in markdown-preview
Setting: enable math, use style, enable pandoc parser, full path of pandoc.exe, markdown flavor choose markdown--mathjax --highlight-style=zenburn
apm install markdown-scroll-sync
apm install linter-markdown
Convert through CMD
or makefile, makefile is better in project, for example
in python, and add %!TEX option = -shell-escape
to the root latex document